Saturday, June 2, 2012

Supernumeraries in SF Opera

We applied last year and have been called as supernumeraries for Attila which runs for six performances June 12 to July 1. It's a huge production, and very exciting to be on stage surrounded by incredible singers - chorus and principals alike - Verdi's music is thrilling. 

Huns (Bill, left)
Bill is a Hun Warrior and a Roman Soldier in four scenes, and I'm in five scenes, first as a 'Virgin' Warrior, then a Monk, a Cleric, a Roman Soldier and an elegant lady. 

We both have action in some scenes, others are preset. When one of the stage directors noticed our names, he moved me into a spot next to Bill, so we hold 'guard' together as Roman Soldiers. I'll post more photos in costume as we get them.